JCOMM高潮シンポジウム "JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surges
主催: 世界気象機関(WMO)/ユネスコ政府間海洋学委員会(IOC)合同海洋・海上気象
専門委員会(JCOMM), 韓国気象局(the Korea Meteorological Administration, KMA)
開催日: 2007年10月2日(火)〜6日(土)
開催地: COEX [Convention & Exhibition Center], ソウル、韓国
詳細: http://www.jcomm2007sss.org
アブストラクト締切: 2007年4月30日
JCOMM Co-President Welcome Address
Dear Colleagues,
As we are all well aware, storm surges constitute a significant marine hazard, with a potential for causing serious loss of life, property damage, the inundation of valuable agricultural land and the contamination of coastal aquifers. Since they are closely associated with extreme meteorological events (tropical cyclones and extra-tropical storms), national meteorological services are normally charged with implementing warning and forecast services for storm surges.
In this context, the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, and its predecessor, the WMO Commission for Marine Meteorology, has a long-standing programme activity relating to the provision of expert technical advice on the modeling, analysis and forecasting of storm surges, to assist national agencies in fulfilling their service obligations. The Commission is currently preparing a comprehensive Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting, and at its 2nd session in Halifax, Canada, in September 2005, it agreed on the value of convening an international symposium on storm surges, to complement other related international efforts, support the development of marine multi-hazard warning systems, and contribute to the dynamic part of the guide.
Consequently, at the kind invitation of the Government of the Republic of Korea, the 1st JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surges will take place in Seoul, 2-6 October 2007, and it gives us great pleasure to invite and encourage everyone with an interest in this important subject to participate. We are expecting upwards of 100 experts worldwide in storm surge research, modeling and forecasting operations, to take part.
We look forward to meeting everyone in Seoul and to an interesting and productive symposium.
(Peter Dexter) Co-president of JCOMM
(Jean-Louis Fellous) Co-president of JCOMM
Call for Papers
The program committee of the Symposium welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentation sessions, which address theoretical aspects, numerical modelling, meteorological and oceanographic input, operational forecasting, hindcasting, storm surge climatology, regional applications, and case studies of extreme storm surge phenomena. Participation is also strongly encouraged from current or potential users of such products. Requirements can range from global to regional to local, from scientific development to application in hazard warning systems.
Suggested Topics
1. Theoretical aspects
2. Numerical modelling
3. Meteorological and oceanographic input
4. Operational forecasting
5. Hindcasting
6. Storm surge climate
7. Regional applications
8. Case studies of extreme storm surge phenomena
9. Effect-oriented products such as inundation maps and GIS-based tools