(応募〆切の延期:平成 29 年 11 月 15 日)広島大学大学院国際協力研究科助教人事(テニュアトラック)の公募について(リスク管理技術分野またはエネルギー技術分野)


9月末にご案内させていただいた広島大学大学院国際協力研究科開発技術講座の教員(助教 1名(テニュアトラック))の公募について、書類の提出〆切を1週間延長し、今年の11月15日(水)とさせていただきます。しかも、電子ファイルのみの提出でよろしいですので、ご応募を心待ちしております。




広島大学大学院国際協力研究科開発技術講座は、分野融合の視点から、国際環境協力を通じて環境的に持続可能な発展を実現するため、途上国を対象に、「都市・交通技術」、「エネルギー技術」、「リスク管理技術」及び「生物生産技術」に関する教育・ 研究に取り組んでいます。今回の公募では、都市化に起因するエネルギー消費の増大や社会的排除、気候変動に起因する災害、資源不足による紛争など途上国が抱える喫緊の課題を踏まえ、「リスク管理技術分野」または「エネルギー技術分野」の教育・研究を英語により担当できる教員を補充し、研究分野間の連携を強化します。

1.所属(配属)   広島大学学術院(大学院国際協力研究科開発科学専攻開発技術講座)
2.職名・人員    助教 1名(テニュアトラック)
3.採用予定年月日  平成30年2月1日以降のできるだけ早い時期
4.任期又は有期雇用契約期間   (テニュアトラック期間) 5年

5.専門分野 土木工学、建築学、船舶海洋工学、環境学、農学の分野において、主に途上国を対象とする「リスク管理技術」または「エネルギー技術」の教育・研究
教 養 教 育 科 目 持続可能な発展のための教養科目(英語または日本語)
学部(専門教育科目) 持続可能性とリスク管理技術の専門基礎科目(英語または日本語) または持続可能性とエネルギー技術の専門基礎科目(英語または日本語)
(博士課程前期) 持続可能性とリスク管理技術の専門科目(英語) または 持続可能性とエネルギー技術の専門科目(英語)
(博士課程後期) 持続可能性とリスク管理技術の演習科目(英語) または 持続可能性とエネルギー技術の演習科目(英語)


※文部科学省「国立大学若手人材支援事業」の年齢制約に基づき,応募条件を設定しております。(※平成29 年7月採択済み。)
    ① 学術雑誌掲載論文(審査付原著論文、インパクトファクター付き論文(インパクトファクタースコア))
    ② 国際会議発表論文(査読の有無)
    ③ 参考論文(①、②以外の論文)
    ④ 著書
    ⑤ 外部研究資金獲得状況(代表・分担の別)
    ⑥ その他(総説、解説、特許、データベースなど)に分類し、通し番号を付して記載

9.応募期限  平成29年11月15日(水)


(1) 採用になった方には,年俸制が適用されます。(広島大学年俸制職員給与規則適用)
(2) 採用になった方には,本学の規則に基づき,採用に伴う旅費を支給できる場合がありますのでお問い合わせ下さい。
(1) 応募書類により取得する個人情報は、採用者の選考及び採用後の人事・給与・福祉関係に必要な手続きに利用するものであり、この目的以外での利用または提供することはありません。なお、採用に至らなかった方の応募書類は、当該採用選考業務終了後、適切な方法にて破棄いたします。
(2) 広島大学では全ての大学教員は「学術院」に所属し、学部、研究科、研究院、病院などの教育研究組織に配属されます。教員は配属された教育研究組織の教育・研究に従事することになりますが、教養教育科目や他の教育研究組織の教育・研究、全学事業を担当することもあります。
(3) 本公募により採用された教員には,教育研究環境整備のためのスタートアップ経費(200万円:初年度のみ)が措置されます。
(4) 本公募は文部科学省の平成29年度国立大学改革強化推進補助金(国立大学若手人材支援事業)による補助対象のため,雇用対策法施行規則第1条の3第1項第3号ニに該当するとして実施します。
  広島大学大学院国際協力研究科開発技術講座 張 峻屹
  TEL & FAX:082-424-6919、E-mail:zjy@hiroshima-u.ac.jp

To Whom It May Concern

I would like to welcome you to pay attention to the following job opportunity in Department of Development Technology, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation(IDEC), Hiroshima University.

The deadline for application was just postponed to November 15, 2017 (Japan time). And applicants can just send their application documents to the following e-mails. It is not necessary to send the documents via post mail.

If anything unclear, please don't hesitate to contact Junyi Zhang via his e-mail (zjy@hiroshima-u.ac.jp).

Candidates should have research background on risk management technology or energy technology in either of civil engineering, architecture, naval architecture and ocean engineering, environmental studies, and agriculture, focusing on developing countries.

Details are shown below.
1. Affiliation (Appointment):
Academy of Hiroshima University (Department of Development Technology, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation(IDEC))
2. Position(s) and the number of opening(s):
Assistant Professor (tenure track), one (1)
3. Commencing date of employment:
As early as possible after February 1, 2018
4. Terms of employment:
 Period of employment: Five (5) years
No reappointment or extension of employment will be offered. However, tenure-track faculty members will undergo a tenure review within six (6) months prior to completion of the term of appointment, and those who have successfully passed the review process will be granted tenure.
5. Field of specialization:
Research on risk management technology or energy technology in either of civil engineering, architecture, naval architecture and ocean engineering, environmental studies, and agriculture, focusing on developing countries
6. Teaching responsibilities
- Undergraduate level (general education courses): Basic subject for sustainable development (English or Japanese)
- Undergraduate level (discipline specific courses): Sustainable Development and Risk Management Technology (English or Japanese), or, Sustainable Development and Energy Technology (English or Japanese)
- Graduate level (master’s programs): Sustainable Development and Risk Management Technology (English), or, Sustainable Development and Energy Technology (English)
- Graduate level (doctoral programs): Seminar on Sustainable Development and Risk Management Technology (English), or, Seminar on Sustainable Development and Energy Technology (English)
* In addition to the courses listed above, he or she may be asked to teach other general education courses and/or discipline specific courses in other department(s) and graduate school(s).
7. Qualifications:
Applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements:
(1) Be under 35 years old as of March 31, 2018
* The age requirement is set for this position based on the age limit for "National University Young Researcher Support Project” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). (adopted in July 2017.)
* For details on the age requirement, please contact Hiroshima University Personnel Group. (E-Mail: jinji-kyoin@office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp)
(2) Hold a doctorate or an equivalent degree by the time the appointment begins
(3) Have enough performance in the specialization field to supervise graduate students
(4) Be able to teach classes and supervise students in English
8. Application materials required:
(1) Resume
If you have a history of being employed by Hiroshima University (as a TA, RA, researcher, etc.) in the past five years, be sure to state all positions you have held.
(2) List of publications and oral presentations
i. Reviewed articles and SCI/SSCI journal papers with impact factors
ii. Papers presented at international conferences (identify “reviewed” or “not reviewed”)
iii. Other articles excluding the above i. and ii.
iv. Books
v. List of acquired external funding projects (identify “principal” or “not principal”)
vi. Others such as review paper, expositor, patent, database, etc.
(3) Five major publications or presentations with PDF from the above i. or ii.
(4) Outlines of major research activities within 2 pages of A4 size
(5) Statement of intent (Please describe your interests in teaching and research within 2 pages of A4 size, should you take this position.)
(6) Syllabus proposal of “Sustainable Development and Risk Management Technology (English)”, or, “Sustainable Development and Energy Technology (English)” course (90 min * 15 weeks)

9. Application deadline:
All application materials must reach us by November 15, 2017 (Japan time).
10. Please send all application documents to the following e-mails.

11. Selection procedure:
(1) Selection will be made based on all application documents submitted.
(2) Interviews will be conducted as needed. As a general rule, the interview includes a mock lecture in English. In such cases, please note that travel expenses will be the responsibility of the applicant. Applicants who pass the initial document review will be informed of interview date, time and format.
(3) Hiroshima University promotes a gender-equal society in accordance with the legislative intent of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society.
12. Salary, etc.:
(1) The annual salary system will be applied to successful candidates.
(Regulations Concerning Salaries of Hiroshima University Faculty Members Employed under Annual Salary System will be applied.)
(2) Successful candidates may be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred for the trip from their home or former place of work to the new place of work to assume their post in accordance with the relevant regulations of Hiroshima University. For more information, please contact us.
13. Evaluation:
We conduct individual performance evaluations for all Hiroshima University faculty members after their employment, numerically rate their performance, and salary and benefits are commensurate with performance indicators.
14. Miscellaneous:
(1) Personal information obtained from application documents will not be used or provided to any third party for purposes other than the necessary procedures related to personnel affairs, salary, and welfare. Application documents of applicants whom we have decided not to employ will not be returned.
(2) All the faculty members of Hiroshima University belong to the "Academy", which is the single university-wide faculty organization, and each faculty as a member of the Academy of the University is appointed to educational and/or research organizations such as an individual undergraduate school, graduate school, research center and institute.
(3) During the first fiscal year, about 2,000,000 yen will be provided to each Assistant Professor as a start-up fund.
(4)  This open recruitment is conducted as an assistance program for Promoting the Reform of National Universities, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
15. Contact:
Junyi ZHANG, Prof. Dr. Eng.
Chair, Department of Development Technology, IDEC, Hiroshima University
Tel & Fax: +81-82-424-6919, E-mail: zjy@hiroshima-u.ac.jp